在短短几个月内, large parts of the world have been dramatically disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic and the societal restrictions implemented to limit its spread. 虽然疾病仍在肆虐,生命的悲惨损失仍在继续, 在许多国家,病例正在显著减少,甚至完全停止.

然而, the risk of renewed outbreaks looms large as social distancing measures are gradually eased – and this uncertainty is likely to remain until a vaccine is widely available.

到目前为止实施的限制措施的直接经济影响, 从自我隔离到旅行禁令, and the indirect effects from continued uncertainty have had a dramatic impact on businesses and individuals across the globe. As businesses are forced to close and people lose their jobs the negative spiral continues, 严重的经济衰退已经成为现实.

At Business 乐博彩票官方app we are working with both Swedish companies and international investors to address the challenges they face around the world and to reduce the negative impacts in whatever way possible. Most companies have started to look beyond the short-term immediate response and are now addressing the medium-term issues.


How can you ensure preparedness and position your company for when markets return to some form of normalcy? 应该采取哪些行动,何时以及如何采取? 合作伙伴、客户和供应商如何受到动荡的影响?

Coming out of a crisis in the best way possible requires that you place strategic bets early on and are willing to transform your 操作 and value proposition. There is no easy way of adapting to the post-crisis world – but the rewards of changing your approach can be huge.

从以往的经验来看,大多数商业领袖都非常清楚这一点. 不管复苏的形态如何, given the scale of the impact of this crisis the “new normal” is likely to unveil a business landscape that, 至少在很大程度上是这样, 与危机前的现实截然不同.


进一步探索长远前景, Business 乐博彩票官方app presents a series of whitepapers and webinars that take a deep dive into the post-pandemic business landscape.

We will unpack the key issues that business leaders are likely to face as they look to grow internationally – examining all aspects that need careful consideration as companies rethink their strategies, 未来的商业模式和产品.


情境: What were the key characteristics of the pre-crisis business landscape for trade and investments?

- This retrospective starting point is essential to establish a baseline for exploring future potential scenarios. 关键指标将包括出口, FDI and global sales that provide some sense of scale of what “getting back to normal” actually implies.

前景: What is the economic outlook for the coming years and what key scenarios should be considered?

- Individual sectors are suffering different effects from the crisis and the recovery will follow a different trajectory in each case. 然而, the scale of the macroeconomic impact is so great that it is worth considering a few common scenarios over the next few years. We will explore key triggers that could indicate which scenario is likely to dominate and how this impacts various industry segments.

预测: 这趋势, 转型和转变可能会塑造新的国际商业格局?

- Providing accurate forecasts is always difficult and more or less impossible in times of crisis. 但在指导战略决策时,研究趋势仍有很长的路要走. We will investigate which pre-existing and new trends following the crisis are more likely to accelerate and how companies can adapt.

分析: How should Swedish companies adapt their thinking and improve their odds of winning in the post-outbreak world?

-纠结于上述问题, we will put our findings into context and provide conclusions related to practical steps going forward. 应该启动哪些举措,如何启动,何时启动? Based on this analysis and emerging patterns we will outline the common themes for developing long-term strategies.

正如在本介绍中提到的, 在危机中应对全球商业的挑战并非易事. 但至关重要的是,每家公司都应该尽早做好准备.

This article is an introduction to our upcoming series that will help you peer around the corner, 了解一下未来会发生什么,并采取行动为新常态做好准备. 请继续关注!